Analysis of the development of new technologies turned to gross glycerin from the biodiesel obtaination process

Alexandre Vieira Sylvio


The search for renewable energy sources has generated an incentive to use biodiesel as fuel. In Brazil, production and consumption of biodiesel has high prospects due to policies instituted in the country that stimulate its use, growing as well as the concern with the destination of glycerine (a co-product of biodiesel production). The surplus of glycerine, besides generating economic impacts, can also cause environmental problems are not available for a correct final destination. Given a situation, it is an alternative proposal for the use of glycerin. There is no data on the contents of the database of the National Institute of Property, through a research of technologies directed to a use of glycerine, based on obtaining patent applications filed in Brazil. Industrial (INPI). It was observed the increase in the stimulus of production and use of biodiesel in Brazil, mainly through legislations that define the increasing percentage of biodiesel without petroleum diesel, in addition to favoring the increase of crude glycerin in the market, There would also be growth of patent filings related to new technologies aimed at the use of the co-product.


biodiesel; RenovaBio; petroleum diesel; technology protection


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