The yield and physical corn plant composition for silage, cultivated in different farming systems

Mikael Neumann, Giselle Maria Seleme Turco, Marcos Ventura Faria, Gabriela Letícia Delai Vigne, André Martins de Souza


Corn is widely used for silage crop. Due to recent changes to the genotype, it is necessary to reassess its management practices. The experiment was conducted to evaluate biomass production, physical composition and dry matter of plant and structural components of the hybrid corn silage SG-6418, grown in two levels of fertilization (250 kg ha-1 of fertilizer (N-P2O5-K2O: 08-30-20) + 155 kg ha-1 of urea (70 kg N) or 500 kg ha-1 fertilizer (N-P2O5-K2O: 08-30-20) + 310 kg ha-1 of urea (140 kg N) associated with two spacings lines (0,4 ou 0,8 m) and two planting densities (50.000 ou 70.000 plants ha-1). Corn grown in high fertilization level resulted in higher yields of green matter (50.764 against 42.127 kg ha-1), dry matter (18.772 against 14.443 kg ha-1) and grain (9.488 against 6.998 kg ha-1) compared to corn grown in low level of fertilization. The maize, regardless of the level of soil fertilization, when cultivated in reduced spacing associated with the largest population of plants also resulted in increased production of the green and dry matter and grain, compared to other associations of cultivation. The increase in plant population affected the distribution of the components of total dry mass with an increase in leaf and stem, and reduction of cob. Therefore, reducing the spacings line provided better spatial distribution of corn plants and better forage production.


levels of fertilization, planting densities, spacing between lines, Zea mays


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