Silvipastoris systems: environment, production and quality of forage and animal answer

Marcondes de Sá Souza, Alexandre Maniçoba da Rosa Ferraz Jardim, Vicente José Laamon Pinto Simões, José Lypson Pinto Simões Izidro, Mauricio Luiz de Mello Vieira Leite


The most widely used agricultural models in Brazil have caused serious environmental problems, mainly due to the reduction of biodiversity. In view of this, agroforestry systems appear as a very promising alternative, bringing several benefits to the components of this system. The presence of trees increases the availability of nutrients in the soil due to the greater conservation of soil moisture, favoring microbial activity. It also provides a more stable environment under your canopies. In silvopastoral systems the production of forages is directly dependent on the tolerance of the species to the shade and the degree of shading provided by the trees, leading to alterations in the morphophysiology of the plants. Studies have shown that shading has also provided improvements in forage quality, increasing the crude protein content in the animals' diet. Another advantage of silvopastoral systems is the microclimatic changes caused by shading, which are responsible for the grazing performance of the animals, providing them with an environment of thermal comfort, which will reflect their productive and behavioral response.


microclimate; agroforestry system; shading


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