Interference of different speeds of the rotor trilhador, of an axial harvester in the physical and physiological attribute of soybean seeds

Jackson Lima Bomfim, Juliana Livai, Tereza Cristina de Carvalho


The objective of this work was to evaluate the physical and physiological attributes of soybean seeds, as a function of the different rotor speed, adopted during the mechanized harvest. Soybean seeds of cultivar M 5917 IPRO were used. The treatments consisted of different speeds of the rotor trilhador of a single axial harvester, namely: 500, 600, 700, 800 and 900 rpm, besides the manual harvesting and threshing; totaling six treatments and four replicates. The seeds harvested were tested for germination, tetrazolium (viability, vigor and mechanical damage) and sodium hypochlorite. The results show that the occurrence of mechanical damages in soybean seeds is lower when the manual harvesting or simple axial harvester is carried out at 500, 600 and 700 rpm rotor speeds. Speeds of the rotor trilhador of 800 and 900 rpm stand out by the greater intensity of mechanical damages that cause the soybean seeds. The maintenance of the physical and physiological quality of soybean seeds of cultivar M 5917 IPRO is benefited when using the simple axial type harvester at 500, 600 and 700 rpm rotor speeds.


Glycine max, seed quality, mechanical injury, force, viability


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