In vitro germination of Hippeastrum hybridum

Aline Machado Rodrigues, Tereza Cristina de Carvalho, Ricardo Antônio Ayub


Belonging to the family Amaryllidaceae, the Amaryllis, as it is popularly called, presents different value in the flower market. Its bulbs are mainly produced for export, turning capital to Brazil. However, transportation of these structures requires more care and space, besides the greater difficulty of maintaining high sanitary quality through macropropagation. In this way, the objective of this work was to evaluate the in vitro germination of Amarilis seeds, with and without integument, in the Murashigue and Skoog and Wood Plant Medium media. For this, the seeds were analyzed for germination, and through the tests of length of the largest root and leaf, fresh mass and number of leaves. The experiment was evaluated in a completely randomized design, in a factorial scheme, with two factors being evaluated, the condition of the seed (with and without tegument) and the culture media (MS / 2 and WPM), with five replicates each. By means of the obtained results it was verified that, the culture medium with Wood Plant Medium formulation provided the best germination. For the development of the plants, the best results were obtained in Murashigue and Skoog medium.


Amaryllis, culture medium, ornamental plant.


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