Hydroponic wild coriander (Eryngium foetidum) with drip irrigation and under protection: system characterization and nutrient absorption

Freddy Soto-Bravo


In the Fabio Baudrit Moreno Agricultural Experimental Station, Alajuela, Costa Rica, in 2016, a study was conducted with the objective of characterize the coyote coriander production system in hydroponics and quantify the absorption of nutrients per unit area (Nab: g m-2) and as absorption concentration (Cab: mg L-1). The crop (60 m2) included two consecutive production cycles: 1) in summer protected with saran and 2) in winter protected with plastic. 15 plants were harvested every 10 days, with five repetitions/sampling (50 plants), to which fresh biomass, leaf area index (IAF) and leaf length were quantified. To characterize the cultivation system, the solar radiation, wind speed, relative humidity, temperature and day degrees (GD) were measured in climate; volumetric moisture and temperature in the substrate; and electrical conductivity (EC) and pH in drain. Nab was obtained from dry matter and its concentration of nutrients; crop evapotranspiration (ETc) by water balance in lysimeter; and the Cab as the ratio Nab and ETc. Additionally, a regression analysis between the accumulated Nab and GD was conducted. The crop under protection in winter and summer, showed a high yield potential, where the order of absorption was K> N> P> Ca> S> Mg> Fe> Mn> B> Zn> Cu, with a maximum increase (%) at 40 DDT; when it accumulated 625 GD in summer and 608 GD in winter. For all nutrients, the polynomial models showed sufficient potential (R2> 0.96) to accurately estimate nutrient absorption depending on GD accumulated according to climate.


nutrient accumulation; absorption rate; nutrient extraction; absorption curves; spiny coriander


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5935/PAeT.V12.N3.04