Evaluation of plant components of maize on different times of Nitrogen application in succession to different cover crops

Igor Eduardo Lunelli, Claudio Alexandre Moratelli, Marcio Primo, Rafael Scapini de Oliveira, Maritane Prior


Maize (Zea mays L.), has been deployed in crops in no-tillage system, where its use has brought better results in production due to low revolving in the soil, thus reducing the risk of erosion, maintaining the natural and improved water retention. The experiment was planted in the area of commercial farming, characterized by an Rhodic Hapludox in the municipality of Capitao Leonidas Marques-PR, in the agricultural year 2008/2009. The objective of this study was to evaluate the development of corn, according to the different application periods of nitrogen, supplied as urea, in succession to four different cover crops, and oats (Avena strigosa), radish (Raphanus sativus) wheat (Triticum spp.) and natural spontaneous vegetation (fallow), along with different applications of N, arranged as follows (1 / 3 furrow + 2 / 3 with 8 leaves and 1 / 3 furrow + 1 / 3 to 4 leaves + 1 / 3 with 8 leaves ). The experimental design was the randomized blocks, in which the plant height and ear insertion height, thickness of stem and ear and ear length were evaluated. The results show that the different times of application and the various cover crops did not differ significantly in their results.



plants of covering; no-tillage system; nutrients

DOI: https://doi.org/10.5777/paet.v3i1.656