Applied Research & Agrotechnology

Brazilian Journal of Applied Technology for Agricultural Science

Revista Brasileira de Tecnologia Aplicada nas Ciências Agrárias

Pesquisa Aplicada & Agrotecnologia (PA&T)

e-ISSN 1984-7548 print-ISSN 1983-6325

FOR REFERENCES USE: Applied Research & Agrotechnology



The Applied Research & Agrotechnology has quarterly basis periodicy and is linked to the Center for Agricultural Technology (NATA-PR) and the Department of Agronomy at the Universidade do Centro Oeste do Paraná - UNICENTRO.

The policy considers on the first moment that the article must meet the requirements of the journal regarding the maximum number of authors, formatting of text and graphical elements and presentation of bibliography. If verified discontinuities the article returns to the author for correction prior. Met the basic requirements, the article will be sent for review of a pair of ad hoc reviewers of expertise in the area of knowledge related to the research topic, and may be approved or be directly suggested fixes. The editor will make the decision based on the opinion of the reviewers. In case of discrepancies between the evaluators, a new opinion may be requested in order to obtain a better judgment.  for publication process.The approved articles will be translated in full into English and abstract in Spanish, or as needed, according to the language of the original text. The journal provides a review of basic writing in Portuguese, but the quality of the writing and grammar are the responsibility of the author. The order for publication of articles considers the timing of approvals and also the distribution of themes in the areas of publishing. The Agrotechnology & Applied Research Magazine is published with printed ISSN 1983-6325 and electronically e-ISSN 1984-7548. Are not provided separated prints to the authors. The articles should be submitted for publication exclusively by Applied Research & Agrotechnology.


Indexed in:

ACAAP Portugual; 


CAB International; 


EBSCO Publishing;




Applied Research & Agrotechnology


      The objective of Applied Research & Agrotechnology is the publication of scientific articles, technical notes and reviews, originating from original research in the field of Agrarian Sciences and its interfaces with the environmental sciences, aiming to contribute to scientific and technological development and collaborate with the diffusion of knowledge and interaction with its applications.

      The scope of the journa is constituted of publications in the lines of Precision Agriculture, Mechanization and Agricultural Machinery, Storage of Agricultural Products and post harvest, Agricultural Aviation, Agricultural Climatology and Meteorology, Energy and Rural Construction, Soil Physics, Geoprocessing and topography, Water Resources, Systems in Hydraulics and Irrigation, Technology OF Agricultural and Forestry Production.


Editorial Board:

Sidnei Osmar Jadoski– President Editor

Univ. Estadual do Centro Oeste – UNICENTRO


Marcio Furlan Maggi: Vice President Editor

Univ. Estadual do Oeste do Paraná – UNIOESTE




Adenilsom dos Santos Lima

Alcir José Modolo–UTFPRUniv. Tecnológica Federal do Paraná

Aline Marques Genú

Antonio Ricardo S. de Andrade–UFRPE Univ. Federal Rural Pernambuco

Everton Hillig

Claudir José Basso-UFSMUniv. Federal de Santa Maria

Luciano Farinha Watzlawick

Edson Luis Piroli–UNESPUniv. Estadual Paulista

Luis Gilberto Bertotti

Fernanda Leite Ribeiro–UEL Univ. Estadual de Londrina

Marcelo Cruz Mendes

Francisco Faggion- UNB Univ. de Brasília

Marcos Ventura Faria

Ildon Rodrigues do Nascimento–UFTUniv. Federal do Tocantins

Mikael Neumann

Marcos Henrique dias da Silveira–UFMTUniv. Federal do Mato Grosso

Sebastião Brasil C. Lustosa

Maryzélia Furtado de Farias–UFMAUniv. Federal do Maranhão


Mirta Terezinha Petry-UFSM Univ. Federal de Santa Maria


Patricia Angélica Alves Marques–USPUniv. de São Paulo/Esalq


Rivanildo Dallacort–UNEMATUniv. do Estado de Mato Grosso


Rodrigo Lilla Manzione–UNESP Univ. Estadual Paulista


Selma Regina Aranha Ribeiro–UEPGUniv. Estadual de Ponta Grossa


Scientific Fields:

  • Agriculture of Precision
  • Mechanization and Agricultural Machinery
  • Storage of Agricultural products
  • Farm-Aviation
  • Agricultural Climatology and Meteorology
  • Energy and Rural Buildings
  • Physics of Soil
  • Geoprocessing and topography
  • Water Resources
  • Systems in Hydraulic and Irrigation
  • Technology for Agricultural Production and Forest


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Vol 13 (2020): CONTINUO

Table of Contents


Cleonir Andrade Faria Junior, Paulo Sérgio Lourenço de Freitas, Rivanildo Dallacort, Liliane Scabora Mioto, João Danilo Barbieri
e6449 (1-13)
Rafael Anzanello, Henrique Pessoa dos Santos, Flávio Bello Fialho
e6422 (1-11)
Perivaldo Mateus Conrado, Leandro Rampim, Aline Mariele Czekalski
e5872 (1-11)
Aline Machado Rodrigues, Tereza Cristina de Carvalho, Ricardo Antônio Ayub
e5894 (1-6)
Luana Marcele Munaretto, Thays Silva, Renato Vasconcelos Botelho, Juliano Tadeu Vilela de Resende
e6495 (1-11)
joão thiago kryvyi, Luiz Carlos Zerbielli, luciano farinha watzlawick, jandiê aparecido de andrade sidor
e6001 (1-8)
Vitor Luis Freitas Groff, Carla Garcia, Diego Geraldo Freitas Groff, Fabricio William Avila, Leandro Alvarenga Santos
e5964 (1-6)
Juliana Scarpim Bueno Veiga, Pamela Siqueira Hennipman, Tereza Cristina de Carvalho
e6063 (1-11)
Antonio Ricardo Andrade, Edijailson Gonsalves Silva, Maria Gorete dos Santos Silva, Edes Torres da Silva, Wemerson Silva dos Santos
e6146 (1.12)
Sebastião Elviro Araújo Neto, Luís Gustavo de Souza e Souza, Thays Lemos Uchoa, Nilciléia Mendes da Silva, Waldiane Araújo Almeida, Wagner de Moura Francisco
e6186 (1-6)
Gilson Araujo de Freitas, Larissa Urzêdo Rodrigues, Rubens Ribeiro da Silva, Rosetânea Correia Neves da Conceição, Antônio Carlos Martins dos Santos
e6338 (1-8)
Dheimy da Silva Novelli, Sebastião Elviro de Araújo Neto, Luís Gustavo de Souza e Souza, Nilciléia Mendes da Silva
e6200 (1-8)
Alexandre Grando
e6289 (1-8)
Adriano Melo de Queiroz, Luís Gustavo de Souza e Souza Souza
e6305 (1-10)
Sebastião de Oliveira Maia Júnior, Jailma Ribeiro de Andrade, Ronaldo do Nascimento, Robson Felipe de Lima, Gleyka Nóbrega Vasconcelos
e6402 (1-10)
Maria Aparecida Lima, Antônio Odair Santos
e5838 (1-6)
Amanda Nunes Assis dos Anjos Anjos, Pedro Henrique Ferreira Ferreira, Carlos Renato Viegas Viegas, João Carlos de Carvalho Almeida Almeida
e5639 (1-11)
Luís Gustavo de Souza e Souza, Romeu de Carvalho Andrade Neto, Nilciléia Mendes da Silva, Thays Lemos Uchôa
e5949 (1-14)
Jonas Albandes Gularte, Vinicius Guilherme Kiesow Macedo, Luís Eduardo Panozzo
e5834 1-9)