Thermal wave physics: principles and applications to the characterization on liquids

Ernesto Marín


This paper describes the concept and principal features of thermal waves using a phenomenological approach. The role played by thermal waves in photothermal techniques is explained using different examples, ranging from the so-called purely thermal wave interferometry to photoacoustic spectroscopy. Some examples concerning the optical and thermal characterization of liquids and their application are presented.


ondas térmicas; técnicas fototérmicas; fotoacústica; propriedades térmicas; efusividade térmica; difusividade térmica

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Revista Ciências Exatas e Naturais - RECEN. Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste - UNICENTRO/PR, BRASIL.

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ISSN 2175-5620 ON LINE; 1518-0352 IMPRESSO