Performance of the sequencing batch reactor to promote poultry wastewater nitrogen and COD reduction

Mauro P. Moreira, Celso S. Yamakawa, Ranulfo M. Alegre


Nitrification and denitrification of poultry wastewater treated in a sequencing batch reactor was studied. The reactor was constructed with a glass tube, having a useful volume of 4 L, with a jacket for temperature control, and with porous stone at the bottom to promote aeration. The experimental results showed that the best operational strategy occurred when the following conditions were used: 500 mL of thickened sludge to simulate the treatment end, feed flow rate of 1.1 L/h, dissolved oxygen concentration of up to 5 mg/L during the aerobic reaction, and next to zero at the anoxic phase. Thus the cycle consisting of the following phases: 4 h aerated fill, 7.25 h aerated reaction, and 1 h settling. In this conditions, the reduction of ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, COD, and phosphorus were 87%, 67%, 75%, 74% and 86% at 25oC, respectively.



Reator Batelada Sequencial (RBS); nitrificação e desnitrificação; água residuária avícola

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Revista Ciências Exatas e Naturais - RECEN. Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste - UNICENTRO/PR, BRASIL.

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ISSN 2175-5620 ON LINE; 1518-0352 IMPRESSO