Development of a software aimed at financial control for family farming

Criação de software para controles financeiros destinados a agricultura familiar

Evandro Mendes de Aguiar, Geysler Rogis Flor Bertolini


The objective of this technical report is to present a software tool for financial control in rural family establishments, including control mechanisms indicated in researched scientific studies. Financial controls are important for family farming, as they allow rural producers to make more assertive decisions based on outcome indicators. As a result of the presentation of the software tool - SisFarming, this technical report also shows the controls indicated for the category. During research of scientific materials, the method used was the application of research filters on Scopus, Spell, and the Web of Science databases; after selection of materials, they were individually analyzed. After the indicated controls are known, we describe the tool creation procedure, as well as the data fields and database manager used. Thus, a tool for the family farmer was created, aimed at the indicated financial controls and focused on making the tool available, free of charge


SisFarming; Financial management; Family Rural Producer; Rural Information System.

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Direitos autorais 2022 Evandro Mendes de Aguiar, Geysler Rogis Flor Bertolini

Revista Capital Científico – Eletrônica (RCCe) Rua: Padre Salvador, 875 – Bairro Santa Cruz CEP: 85015-430  Guarapuava-Paraná-Brasil Campus Santa Cruz – Editora UNICENTRO ISSN  2177-4153 (Online)

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