Identity and Psychoanalysis: silent, intimate and unconscious conflicts in the formation of adolescence

Camila Incau


The bodily and social transformations make adolescence a stage of great contradictions for those who experience it. Adolescents also need to deal with changes in demands arising from family and social institutions that aim to prepare them for the responsibilities of adulthood. Sudden variations in expectations generate divergences, as at sometimes they are too young and at others, too old. At this juncture, this work presented the changes that occurred in adolescence based on the concepts of identity and identity crisis created by psychologist and psychoanalyst Erik Erikson in his theory of human development. To structure the discussion, scenes from the film “Ferris Bueller's day off: screenplay” were described, intending to illustrate how young people experience it in contemporary times. Thus, in the light of Psychoanalysis, the work showed how adolescence can be a period of silent, intimate and unconscious conflicts, and it is important to have a real, unique and sensitive vision so that we can welcome these subjects


Psychoanalysis. Erik Erikson. Identity. Youth.

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ISSN 2179-9180



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