Production and forage quality of Brachiaria in Norte Fluminense Region

Fausto de Souza Sobrinho, Heloisa Carneiro, Francisco José da Silva Lédo, Flávio Faria de Souza


Most ‘of the Brazilian milk production is based on the use of pastures, for constituting food of low cost. Among the used forages, the Brachiaria species occupy the biggest cultivated area, in function of its potential of production and good adaptation to acid and low fertility soils. However, the quality of these forages is considered low to take care of the nutrient requirements of animals with high genetic potential for milk production. The objective of the present work was to evaluate the productivity and quality of the different species of Brachiarias in Valley of the Paraíba, Norte-Fluminense Region. By using random blocks design, with three replications, the following varieties had been evaluated: Mulato (inter specific hybrid), Basilisk (B. decumbens), Marandu (B. brizantha), Xaraés (B. brizantha), Trulli (B. humidicola), B. dictyoneura, Common (B. ruziziensis) and Brachiaria spp. It was observed significant differences among varieties for productivity of dry matter (PMS), crude protein (PB), fiber in neutral detergent (FDN) and acid (FDA) and digestibility (DIVMS). The most productive varieties were Mulato, Xaraes and Brachiaria spp. The best quality of forage was presented by the Common variety of B. ruziziensis.


Brachiaria ruziziensis; Brachiara brizantha; Brachiaria decumbens; Brachiaria humidicola; Brachiaria dictyoneura