Estimate of the diameter distribution in Mixed Ombrophylous Forest fragment with the Meyer’s function

Edson Gardin, Solon Jonas Longhi, Erich Cassiano de Lima Andrade


Evaluate the diameter distribution of a fragment of Ombrophyllous Mixed Forest, located in São Francisco de Paula, Rio Grande do Sul. The data was collected in 10 permanent sampling units of 1ha each, established in the São Francisco de Paula’s National Forest, RS, Brazil.For analysis of the diameter structure was considered the frequency of diameters in successive classes of range of 10cm, and the intervals diameters ranging from 9.5 to 149.5 cm. For data processing was used SADEF software. The frequencies observed by diameter class were divided into plots and adjusted as a function of the center class through of the Meyer`s equation, where was obtained value of 1.63 for the Liocourt quotient. We observed a total of 803 trees per hectare, distributed in 107 species belonging to 41 families. The most abundant species was the Araucaria angustifolia, with 97.1 individuals per hectare. The number of trees per hectare adjusted by the Meyer`s equation was 467.85, being lower than the observed, but basal area observed (46.18m2ha-1) was lower than the adjusted (47.74m2ha-1), with a deficit of 1.56m2ha-1. Through analysis of data from distributions diameter, it was verified that the ratio of Liocourt showed a range between 1 and 3.078. The data analysis indicates that the forest is still not in equilibrium, this disequilibrium in the frequencies of the diameter class occurs mainly in the classes with largest DBH, which may have been caused by selective extraction of some species.


Diameter distribution; Meyer’s equation; Ombrophyllous Mixed Forest; liocourt quotient

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