Germination and initial development of Tamarindus indica L. using different substrates.

Gerarda Beatriz Pinto da Silva, Geovânio Lima Barros, Állisson Rafael Ferreira da Silva, João Paulo Nobre Almeida, Priscilla Vanúbia Queiroz de Medeiros


This study was conducted in a greenhouse at the Rural Federal University of the Semi Arid – UFERSA in Mossoró-RN. The seeds were collected from mature fruits obtained in the same Campus UFERSA. Five substrates were tested: 1- Solaris® + goat manure + Polifértil® sifted (1:1:1); 2- Solaris® + goat manure + Polifértil® sifted (2:1:1); 3- Solaris® + goat manure + Polifértil® sifted (1:2:1); 4- Arisco + goat manure (1:1:2); 5 Solaris® + goat manure + Polifértil® sifted (2:1:2). The sowing was done in trays of 128 cells by placing a single seed per cell. The experimental design used was of randomized blocks with four replications, where each repetition had 18 plants per treatment. The evaluated characteristics were: emergence speed index (ESI), shoot length (SL), root system length (RSL), number of leaves (NL), shoots dry matter (SDM) and dry matter of the root system (DMRS). The results were submitted to variance analysis and comparison of means by the Tukey Test at 5% probability. The substrates used in this work did not cause an increase in the rate of emergence rate, shoot length, root length, roots dry matter, dry matter of shoot and leaf number (NF) in the initial growth of tamarind. 


Propagation; seedlings; Solaris®; tamarind


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