Biofumigation of plant species on Sitophilus zeamais in stored maize

Fábio Mazzonetto, Renato Zapparoli Corbani, Alexandre Barcellos Dalri


The objective of this study was to evaluate the repellent effect and toxicity of volatile substances from plant species in the form of ethereal, ethyl, aqueous extracts and powders on adults of Sitophilus zeamais. The experiments were conducted at the Laboratory of Plant Science of the Camilo Castelo Branco University, Campus Descalvado/São Paulo State. It were used the Chenopodium ambrosioides, Corymbia citriodora and Cucurbita pepo plant species. The experimental design was completely randomized with six replications. In repellency tests were used doses of 5μl, 10μl, 15μl, 20μl, and 25μl (for the ethereal, ethyl and aqueous extracts) and 0.3 g (for powder) with assessments after 24 hours. In the toxicity tests it was used the dose of 25μl (for the ethereal, ethyl and aqueous extracts) and 0.3 g (for powder) with assessments after 48 hours. Based on the obtained data it can be concluded that the ethereal (excepting C. pepo), ethyl, aqueous extracts and powders of all the tested plants showed repellent effect to adults of S. zeamais. All extracts and powders from the tested plants showed toxic effects to adults of weevil.


Plant insecticides; maize weevil; plant extracts; alternative control

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