Anticipation of nitrogen fertilization and their implications on nutrient concentrations and maize yield

Flávia Meinicke Nascimento, Sílvio José Bicudo, Dirceu Maximino Fernandes, José Guilherme Lança Rodrigues, Jairo Costa Fernandes


The objective of this study is to evaluate the response of maize crop in succession to winter crops, with the anticipation of nitrogen applications on the black oat crop, in increasing doses, in no–tillage system. The experiment was conducted at the FCA/UNESP, Botucatu campus. The experimental design used was randomized blocks with four replications, in a scheme of subdivided plots. The parcels of 0, 20, 40 e 60 kg ha-1 of nitrogen doses were applied on the black oat crop and the doses applied to the maize crop were considered subparcels, varying in the following doses: 60, 80, 100 and 120 kg ha-1, applied in two parcel in the maize crop. The foliar diagnosis was carried, by occasion, at the flourish and after harvest the productivity was calculated. The results indicate that the effect of the anticipated application of N in maize is dependent on the former crop, and that the doses and time of those applications had influenced in the concentrations of the nutrients, reflecting in the productivity of the maize crop.


Fertilizantes; manejo de adubação; nutrição mineral

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