Tomato production in function of sulfur doses application

Maria Ligia de Souza Silva, Anderson Ricardo Trevizam, Marisa de Cássia Piccolo, Guilherme Furlan


The importance of sulfur (S) has already been noted by various cultures, especially on production aspects; however it might be a limiting factor of productivity due to intensive cultivation system. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the sulfur application on the tomato productivity development. An experiment was conducted in a greenhouse, on 4 kg vessels of soil, in Guarapuava-PR. The experiment was arranged in entirely randomized blocks, of which 6 doses of S (0, 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100 mg kg-1) in the form of agricultural gypsum along with 3 repetitions. Into the vessels it was transplanted a tomato plant (Abiru variety), cultivated for 115 days. The fruits were harvested, washed and weighed and the shoots were cropped, weighed and analyzed in relation to levels of carbon, nitrogen and sulfur. The tomato fruit production increased under sulfur doses, obtaining a 23 to 34% raise. The dry mass of the shoot, content and accumulation increased under the application of sulfur doses on the soil. The C/S and N/S relation decreased on the tomato shoot under sulfur doses, with variable values of 92 to 144 for C/S and 2.1 to 3.1 for N/S. The average relation of C:N:S found on the tomato shoot was of 112:2.4:1. The 2.6 N/S relation on the shoot was the one which presented balance of these nutrients on the tomato production obtainment.


absorption; agricultural gypsum; sulfate; horticulture; fertilizer.

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