Using of digital photographic camera for the measure of the soil moisture

Vitor Luiz Medeiros Barros Júnior, Elias Fernandes Sousa, Cláudio Roberto Marciano


There is of lots of means of measure the quantity of water in soil, more and more wanted a method than interface fewer at the measurement from the moisture from the soil and that automate this proceeding velocity but without losing the accuracy. There are few other works relating the RGB from digital images with the moisture of soil, however the study the study of these interactions is of great importance for development of future technologies. This study aimed to develop a new methodology that uses digital images of soil moisture to correlate with the color of the soil, using computer programs. Using pixels which compose the image, are found the values of levels of Red (R), Green (G) and Blue (B), which are used in the regression analyses in laboratory. Theses regressions show that is possible to use images of Digital Photographic Camera for measure the soil moisture.


Irrigation handling, Remote sensing, processing of images


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