Effect of biostimulants and seed treatment with fungicide on the germination and vigor of soybean seedlings

André Ricardo Gomes Bezerra, Francisco Charles Santos Silva, Amilton Ferreira Silva, Tuneo Sediyama, Ciro Humberto Almeida Álvares


Exogenous vegetal biostimulants have been used on soy cultivation with the aim of increasing productivity. The objective of this study was to assess the germination and vigor of soy seeds under the action of biostimulants, with the presence and absence of fungicide. We used soy seeds of the cultivars MSoy 8527 RR and Anta 82 RR, treated with and without fungicide (carbendazim+thiram) and three concentrations (250, 500 e 750 mL 100 kg-1 of seeds) of the biostimulant Stimulate®, plus the control treatment. The treatments were arranged in factorial scheme 2x2x4, on completely randomized design with four replicates. In laboratory, we assessed the germination parameters, seedling length, dry matter mass of seedlings. In greenhouse, we evaluated the emergence on sand and speed germination rate. There was quadratic effect of the biostimulant dose for the seed germination of the cultivar Anta 82 RR, when treated with fungicide. The maximum responsive dose was 281.69 mL 100 kg-1 of seeds, when 91.06% of the seeds germinated. Crescent doses of biostimulant did not influence the biomass production of seedlings; however, they can increase the germination and vigor of seeds, depending on the cultivar.


Glycine max, seeds, germination, vigor


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5935/PAeT.V8.N1.03