Biochemical composition and vigor of soybean seeds under different conditions of accelerated aging

Aquelis Armiliato Emer, Marisa de Cacia Oliveira, Amanda Izabel dos Passos, Douglas Junior Bertoncelli


The deterioration of the seeds is a natural process and involves the interaction of cytological, physiological, biochemical, and physical changes, resulting in the loss of vigor and viability. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of different solutions in the accelerated aging test of soybean seeds on the mobilization of reserves, germination, and early seedling performance. Two hundred seeds were used for treatment that consisted of witness (without aging), traditional solution (distilled water), saline solution (1.8 M), and saturated saline solution (6.8 M). The containers were incubated at 41° C for 24, 48 and 72 hours. Germination reduced with the incubation time and increasing the concentration of NaCl, while the electrical conductivity increased. The concentration of total and reducing sugars, and proteins have increased with the traditional treatment, after 24 hours. Treatment with saturated saline solution was what resulted in the largest accumulation of fresh matter of seedlings to 14 days. It is concluded that in the case of soybeans, the use of saturated saline solution had the severest effects in relation to the traditional aging seeds.



Key words: Glycine max; sugars; germination; proteins.


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