Potential of corn silage production in different sowing times in the Paraná Midwest region

Mikael Neumann, Egon Henrique Horts, Danubia Nogueira Figueira, Guilherme Fernando Mattos Leão, Daniel Cecchin


The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects provided in the corn fields of early cycle sown in late times in the Parana Midwest region on production and plant components for the silage production. The experimental design was a randomized block consisting of four treatments, with each treatment corresponded to a different sowing time (T1: First week of November, T2: Second week of November; T3: Third week of November; T4: Fourth week of November) and three replications, where each repetition consisted of a parcel with an area of 16 m2. Corn plants were harvested in the hard dough stage where it was determined plant height, ear height, green biomass production, dry matter production and grain yield, in addition to the percentage physical composition of the anatomical structures of the plant (stem, leaves, bracts, cob and grain). In general context, crops sown in the first and second week of November showed superior results compared crops sown in the third and fourth week of the month concerning because resulted in increased production of dry biomass (28.321; 26.179; 20.291 and 18.758 kg ha-1 respectively), and higher grain yield (6.699; 7.147; 5.722 and 5.271 kg ha-1 respectively). Generally, the sowing of corn for silage from the third week of November to Guarapuava-PR region reduced the production of biomass per unit area.


Plant composition, sowing periods, dry biomass production

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5935/PAeT.V9.N1.04