Climate influence in diameter growth of Araucária angustifolia: literature review

Lais Martinkoski, Gabriel Felipe Vogel, Sidnei Osmar Jadoski


The tree growth is influenced by several factors intrinsic and extrinsic, varying not only between species but between also responding to environmental changes and ecological conditions, or site factors. However, the weather, specifically the air temperature and precipitation stand out as the climatic variables that play a greater influence on the diameter growth of several species of temperate and subtropical climate, and often tropical climate. dendrochronological studies of native species present data to generate information relevant to conservation management and production, and potential use in climate reconstruction of the region. Araucaria angustifolia species is characteristic of the Araucaria Forest, with striking character in this forest type and thus arousing the interest of research conservationist standpoint and productive potential. The aim of this study was to research related to dendrochronology and influence of climatic variables on the growth of A. angustifolia in areas of native forests. It can be seen that in general, the most limiting factor in a most critical time is likely to express greater response, or precipitation and / or low temperatures coinciding with the beginning of the growing season tend to form more narrow annual rings, and thus a lower annual growth. According to the analyzed studies it can be noted that the greater precipitation and higher average temperature during the growing season, higher annual rings tend to be found, although this influence appears to be very tied to site conditions.


dendrochronology , temperature, precipitation


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