Assessment of agricultural power take-off (pto) drive shafts guards in field conditions

Ila Maria Corrêa, Cláudio Alves Moreira, Sergio Roberto Filipini, Roberto da Cunha Mello, Pedro Sérgio Pontes


The power take-off (PTO) shafts, is one of the main ways to transfer power from the tractor to drive implements. To avoid accidents the PTO shaft must be covered with a protective shield device which consists of: a) cones at each end of the driveshaft; b) a protective cover along the telescopic tube; c) restraining devices (chain or other type) and d) pictograms or safety signs. The aim of this study was to verify the conditions of use of the guards for drive shafts in farms of São Paulo. From 112 tractor-implement set analyzed, 77 showed some device featured as “protection” of the drive shaft. In this research, the cones, the tubes, the restraining devices and safety signs were observed to identify the condition (integrity, damage, absence) of each part. From components analyzed, the cones and the tubes showed to be the most damage (63.6 and 71.4%, respectively). The most common damage of cones was cracks, cuts and dents. Also lashing with wire or rope and improvisations with plastic containers were found. Some tubes were incomplete, cut and found rotating free release on the drive shaft. In the case of restraint devices (little chain) and of pictograms, the absence (50.6 and 53.2%, respectively) is the most critical situation. Also improvisations of the restraining device made with wires and ropes were noticed. The low percentage of the condition “intact” points out to the poor quality of the protective material, confirmed by claims of users who say that some guards last less than six months and that it does not encourage them to replace them when damaged.


agricultural machinery, safety machinery, drive shaft guard


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