Spatial variability of chemical attributes in areas of the pinus institute of batatais – sp

Juan Gabriel Cristhoffer Lopes Ruiz, Marcelo Zanata, Teresa Cristina Tarlé Pissara


Few studies have been conducted to verify the relationship between the growth of forests and chemical properties of the soil, responsible for production potential. The objective of this study was to evaluate the spatial variability of dendrometric properties under Pinus stands and their relation with the chemical attributes of an Oxisol of the Forest Institute of Batatais - SP. For the mapping of Ca, Mg, P and K, the soil samples were collected at the crossing points of a grid with regular intervals of 36 m, with a total area of 16 hectares with species of Pinus, in the 0, 0-0,20 m and 0,20-0,40 m, and 123 samples collected in each of the two depths, totaling 246 samples. Around each georeferenced point were selected nine trees of pine, so that each point registered were surrounded evenly by performing the measurements of height and diameter at breast height. Data were submitted to descriptive statistical and geostatistical analysis. According to the studies done and results obtained, it is concluded that the pine trees grew faster, with greater height values of trees and diameter at breast height, in areas where the levels of soil chemical properties were higher and the lower-slope region.


Geostatistics; Dendrometric properties Spatial dependence.


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