Floristic and phytosociology of weed in response to winter pasture sward height at Integrated Crop-Livestock in Southern Brazil

Sebastião Brasil Campos Lustosa, Maurício Zavonello Schuster, Deonisia Martinichen, Adelino Pelissari, Dionísio Luiz Pisa Gazziero


The knowledge of weed floristic composition and phytosociology are key factors for their management. Informations about weed species that occur in pastures in Southern Brazil is very limited in an Integrated Crop-Livestock Systems (ICLS). It is, important, therefore, to search for information to help integrated weed control strategy. This paper describes the weed flora diversity and community structure due to modification on sward height in ICLS. The data survey was set within a 250 km radius around the Guarapuava’s town, being selected 26 areas in order to embrace a sward height management with winter pasture compounded by black oat and mixed ryegrass. The weed flora was represented by 813 individuals, from 18 families and 55 species. The weed density in the winter pasture compounded by black oat and mixed ryegrass  ICLS was of 29,5 plants m-2. The most important infesting specie based on a relative dominance was Stachys arvensis L. The high reduction of pasture management increase of weed density. These results could lead to an improved weed management in winter pasture in ICLS. 


Ecological filters; weed ecology; biological invasion; integrated weed management

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