Complementary nitrogen and irrigation as a tool for yield increase in soybean

Fabiano Pacentchuk, Itacir Eloi Sandini, Margarete Kimie Falbo, Mikael Neumann, Felipe Pozzan


In order to assess application on yield and yield components of soybean in the absence or presence of water stressconditionswas carried out an experiment in Guarapuava, PR. The work was conducted in a randomized block with four replications in a factorial 2 x 2, two crop cultivation systems (with and without irrigation) and two complementary N managements (with or without complementary nitrogen fertilization). The variables analyzed were: yield, thousand grain weight, number of branches per plant, number of pods per plant and number of grains per plant. The results showed that the application of complementary nitrogen contributed to increased yield in soybean under water stress conditions, the answers became more important in the absence of water deficit.


biological nitrogen fixation,Glycine max, N complementary.


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