Biostimulants via seed treatment in the promotion of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) root growth

Silas Maciel de Oliveira, Renan Caldas Umburanas, Rodolfo Gonçalves Pereira, Lais Teles de Souza, José Laércio Favarin


Biostimulants has been used in common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) crops to increase vegetative development, especially in roots. However, there are few reports in which biostimulants effect was assessed on root development. The goal this research was to evaluate the effects of biostimulants supplied by seed treatment on the root development of common bean. The experiment was carried out under controlled conditions and the treatments were composed of four biostimulants: humic and fulvic acids; simple algae extract (Ascophyllum nodosum); vegetable regulator with cytokinin, gibberellin and auxin; alkaline extract of algae (Ascophyllum nodosum) and control treatment. In V4 common bean stage the root development, root and shoot dry mass were evaluated. Root length, root length, root diameter, projected area of roots, root volume, and specific root volume were measured in the root system. Except for central root length, biostimulants did not affect characteristics evaluated in the root system, dry mass or the relation between shoot/root system. No biostimulant increased the shoot/root ratio compared with the control. Biostimulants use by seed treatment was not increase the development of the common bean root system.


Root development; plant regulators; root volume; root area.


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