In vivo evaluation of botanical fermented Ilex paraguariensis front of the fungus Sclerotinia sclerotiorum in curly lettuce cultivation

Tatiane Triaca, Marcia Regina Pansera, Marcia Luisa Andreolla, Leandro Venturin, Valdirene Camatti Sartori


Sclerotinia sclerotiorum is considered one of the most important pathogens in the world, because it affects a large number of hosts. The control of this pathogen in different cultures is limited due to its ability to form resistant structures (sclerotia) that guarantee their survival in the soil even in unfavorable conditions. The objective of this work was to determine the in vivo effect of Ilex paraguariensis botanical fermented on Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, opposite the death of lettuce seedlings grown in pots. The fermented botanical was produced with 1.5 L of raw water and 500 g of the comminuted plant, fermentation occurred spontaneously by keeping the mixture in a dark environment to stop the fermentation. Then, the slurry was filtered and mixed with distilled water at concentrations of 20% and 40%. The treatments were T1: only pathogen; T2: Preventive (5 h before inoculation of the fungus and only 1 application); T3: Curative (5h after inoculation of the fungus, weekly application 3 weeks); T4: only water. 30 plants were used for each treatment. After 50 days of the experiment, 70% of the T1 plants died. And all lettuces (treated with 40% of fermented) both T2, T3 and T4 as the proved sound. weighing the plant was carried out and measured the root growth of the survivors. Lettuces T2 showed 68 g and 30 cm. At T3, the plant weight was 57 g at 20% concentration and 70 g 40%. These results suggest that the fermented I. paraguariensis may be used in the control of phytopathogenic S. sclerotiorum lettuce and also act as a growth inducing said vegetable.


oomycetes; mycelial growth; fungistatic action; fungicide.


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