Cycling of biomass and nutrients in forest plants

Giovanno Radel De Vargas, Jonas Bianchin, Hilbert Blum, Renato Marques


The objective of this review is to address the main points regarding biomass cycling and litter nutrients in some planted forests, such as Eucalyptus, for example, as well as the influence of some forms of management on cycling, such as thinning. Because it is the main source of nutritional replacement for trees in these ecosystems, it is of vital importance to study and know how the processes related to nutrient cycling occur in these environments also in relation to the availability of nutrients throughout these processes. It is generally observed that the main source of nutrients for the plants during the cycling are the leaves, in addition to being deposited in greater quantity also there is an accelerated decomposition in relation to the other components of the plant deposited on the ground. It is observed that the deposition of material on the soil occurs in the hottest and humid times of the year, coinciding with the times when precipitation is more abundant, as well as the decomposition processes, which normally decrease in colder and drier times, as during the winter and fall in the regions that are usually implemented this type of forest plantations. In relation to nutrients, there is usually a predominance of nitrogen in the materials deposited in relation to the other elements.


litter, forest management, nutritional management.


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