Jabuticabeira grafting in different gaskets

Cristiano Hossel, Juliana Cristina Radaelli, Karina Guollo, Américo Wagner Júnior


The objective of this work was to evaluate different species of Myrtaceae as rootstock for jabuticabeira grafts, as well as the use of two grafting techniques, in order to search for alternatives for the vegetative propagation of this species. In order to carry out the experiment, the graft compatibility between jabuticabeira açú (a single adult plant) on jabuticabeira, guabijuzeiro, peach tree in the bush and guava tree was tested, being about one year old and 6 mm in diameter. The experimental design was completely randomized, in a 2 x 4 factorial scheme (grafting technique x rootstock species), with three replications, and eight grafts per experimental unit. How to cultivate canopy was used mature branches, with semilenous consistency, diameter around 6 mm and length of 10 cm, containing approximately 6 buds. The grafting process was performed in a full slit and in omega, in addition to the use of 'Buddy Tape' grafting tape to fix and seal the site. Afterwards, they were kept in a greenhouse with a relative humidity above 85% and a controlled temperature of 25°C. The evaluation was performed at 120 days after grafting, where the percentage of survival, number of shoots, length of shoots and number of leaves were evaluated. Grafting of jabuticabeira is not recommended using rootstocks of jabuticabeira, guabijuzeiro, peach bush, bush cherry tree and guava tree.


Plinia cauliflora; slit-filled; omega; Myrtaceae


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5935/PAeT.V12.N2.11