Stratification period, imbibition time in solutions of GA3, H2O and NaClO in the germination of yellow araçá tree

Alexandre Hack Porto, Américo Wagner Júnior, Carlos Kosera Neto, Marciéli da Silva, Alberto Ricardo Stefeni


In order to achieve success in the insertion of a new crop, such as the araçá tree, it is necessary efficient techniques for the production of quality seedlings. The objective of this study was to evaluate the stratification period, as well as the application of the type of solution composed by GA3 or NaClO with the immersion time, on the influence of the germination of yellow araçá tree seeds. A DIC experiment was performed in the triple multifactor arrangement [stratification period x type of solution x immersion time in the solution]. Five stratification periods (0, 5, 10, 15, 20 days), five types of immersion solution (none, H2O, NaClO 5%, GA3 100 mg L-1, GA3 300 mg L-1) and three immersion in solution (six, 12 and 24 hours) with four replicates of 100 seeds. Germination, germination velocity index (IVG) and average germination time (TMG) were evaluated. GA3 show efficient promoter for rapid germination of arachis seeds. Stratification is only recommended for yellow seedlings if not associated with the use of GA3. The stratification periods may have the vigor of the affected seeds if they increase the soaking times in the solutions.


Psidium Cattlteyanum, araça, seeds, propagation


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